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Bring a Friend to 9.15am

We have all gotten used to the cold by now so there is no hiding from it anymore. We are still running a full schedule and we intend to keep that going while I am away. However the coaches will keep track of classes and if we can see any class regularly having no one in it, it will take a break till I am back. So make sure you keep turning up to the session that suits you best or you might miss out. If you end up being the only one at a class (9.15am cough cough:) bring a friend with you and we can get them signed up and they can train with you.

You can of course always contact me while I’m away but with the time difference I will reply during my day time. If there is anything you would like to go over before I leave get hold of me this week. We have Marcus, George and Amanda taking classes while I am gone so it will be a great opportunity to see different coaching styles and learn some new things from each of them.




Wednesday 11/7/18

Strength: Paused Front Squats

3 x 3 @ 70% w/ 3 sec pause at bottom

MetCon: For Time


Every time you break perform

20 Box Jumps 24/20′

30 Double Unders

Accessory Work: 3 Sets

10 Box Arch to Hollow

10 Single arm Strict DB Press