We are focussing on Strength and Skill Testing this week. It is very important that you try and get to training this week as it will give us a great picture of how everyone is going and how the gym is tracking as a whole. It is always great to see how you are all improving. keep writing your PR’s on the PR Board so we can celebrate your success stories with you and make sure we keep the programming realistic but challenging.
Strength is as important as fitness so make sure you commit to these sessions and get a new max. If you are new to the lifts you get time to work on technique and of course the chance to lift some weight if your technique is up for it.
Good Luck for this big week of training coming up. Make the most of it.
Monday 28/5/18
Strength Testing:
Squat Clean
20 min to find a new 1RM
Front Squat
20 min to find a new 1RM