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No secrets, all the info is Free

We all have a few friends who are unsure about CrossFit or any type of small group fitness. Since we give all our secrets away for free there is plenty of information out there for them to watch and read. Show them our social media sites so they can see our coaches and members in action and they also see the social aspect of our gym. They can have a look through our daily blog and read about members, specific exercises, training, recovery and much more. Crossfit.com also have a truck load of info about CrossFit from way back to 2001. There will be an article on anything about health and fitness and beyond.

Then bring them in for a session so they can experience our training and community first hand for themselves. We have seen a lot of new people sign up over the past month and it is great to be able to help you all out. Thank you to all our members who have been bringing your friends in for a session. Its great to see all you new men, women, boys and girls having a go at CrossFit and finding out what it is really about.

To all of our old members, make sure you introduce yourself to anyone new and to all of our new members, don’t be shy, we are the most welcoming people you’ll meet, just get amongst it.




Wednesday 23/5/18

Strength: Front Squats

6 x 5 @ 65%

MetCon: 12 min AMRAP

7 KB Swings 24/16kg

7 Burpees

Accessory Work: 3 Rounds of

12 KB reverse Lunges

45 sec Prone Hold