Our booking system is up and running so make sure you go on our website or Facebook to book into classes from now on. It is super simple to do, just spend a couple minutes looking through the set-up and you will be ready to roll. It will be a big change for everyone and we do appreciate you taking the time to get used to it. At the end of the day it will help us track total class numbers and specific member attendance. More importantly, it will spread class numbers around all classes which means you will always have the needed equipment for your workout and the coach will always be able to get around every person in the class to make sure you get the most out of your training session.
We are always happy to hear your questions or concerns regarding anything with the gym so feel free to get hold of use if you need any help with this.
Lastly, a huge thank you to Timely in Dunedin for helping us getting our booking system set up. It is another step in the right direction of growing bigger and better and it will help us expand our business for the future. It is a great feeling to support local businesses and build strong relationships in Dunedin.
Monday 14/5/18
Strength: Squat Clean
3 x 1 @ 75, 80 & 85%
3 x 1 @ 90%
MetCon: 18 min EMOM
Odd: 7 Front Squats 80/55kg
Even: 50 Double Unders