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One more week before Testing

This coming week is the last training week of this training cycle. Afterwards we will start a testing week to see all of your improvements. Make sure you prepare for our testing phase by getting the right amount of recovery and sort out any niggles you might have which can be fixed in time for testing. We will use all the testing results as guidance for future programs to improve the gym as a whole.

We are super excited to see everyones improvements on all aspects of fitness. Make sure you keep writing your Personal Records on the “PR” Board so we can all celebrate your achievements together. Ill be posting them at the end of testing.

Get excited about it




Friday 11/5/18

Strength: Front Squat

2 x 2 @ 80%

2 x 2 @ 85%

2 x 2 @ 90%

MetCon: 18 min EMOM

Odd: 5 – 7 Power Cleans TnG 60/42.5kg

Even: 16 Wall Balls 9/6kg