Remember with the weight lifting program starting next week there will be no 6.30pm class Tuesday and Thursday evening for the next 6 weeks. Since 6.30pm are normally quiet classes it shouldn’t affect too many of you plus a few of you have signed up for the program anyway. 7.30pm would just be too late to run the program as people wouldn’t get home till after 9pm.
If you have any concerns about making it to other sessions feel free to get hold of us and we will help you out the best we can.
There are still a few spots available. Get hold of us now if you would like to sign up.
Friday 4/5/18
Gymnastics Conditioning: 12 min EMOM
Odd: Pull Ups
Even: HSPU
MetCon: 3 Rounds for Time
15 Hang Squat Cleans 40/30kg
15 Burpee Over Bar
30 Double Unders
Accessory Work: 3 Sets for Quality
8 DB Single Arm Strict Press
40sec Hollow Hold