We will be working on Pull ups and Handstand push ups a lot over the next few weeks so make sure if you do scale these movements, keep in mind, we want you to eventually be able to do the full movement. This means a lot of you will be asked to do fewer reps on more difficult movements to get closer to the proper movement.
There is a time and place for heaps of scaled reps during a workout to be done. This is when intensity or aerobic fitness is the main goal. When it comes to mastering a skill it is more important to achieve harder and harder variations on your way to achieve the skill you want. Don’t be disheartened if things aren’t going to plan we will always have another variation for you to work on. You don’t have to do a bunch of reps in your first go. It can take a long time but you need to stick to it and eventually you will get there.
The main thing you want to avoid is getting good at certain progressions as you will have a hard time moving on from that particular progression. This is especially true for banded pull ups. We tell our members all the time don’t get good at banded pull ups. It is a stepping stone to get to proper pull ups, a banded pull up is not the end goal and it shouldn’t be the end goal.
Keep working hard on the progressions and always try to improve.
Tuesday 17/4/18
4 min AMRAP
400m Run “buy in”
Max rounds
15 SDHP 42.5/30kg
12 Burpee Over Bar
-4 min Rest-
4 min AMRAP
400m Run “buy in”
Max Rounds
12 SDHP 42.5/30kg
9 Burpee Over Bar
-4 min Rest-
4 min AMRAP
400m Run “buy in”
9 SDHP 42.5/30kg
6 Burpee Over Bar