Just a friendly reminder that you have to commit Now to go to Nationals on 21-22nd Oct. We only have one more chance on the 19/4 to sign up a second team and we won’t sign one up if we don’t have 6 people who can 100% commit to going. “Maybe’s” will not be considered as it will be too big a cost replacing people close to the competition. We have only had little feedback which either means people aren’t keen on going or you haven’t read the info we are putting out about it. Please keep yourself informed about what is going on at the gym. We will do everything we can to get the information out there to you.
Which leads me to feedback from members. If you have questions or concerns about anything around the gym do not hesitate to get hold of us. We work hard on making the gym better every day but we are not perfect so any feedback will be much appreciated. If we don’t hear what’s on your mind we can’t do much about it.
Thursday 12/4/18
Strength: Deadlift
3 x 5 @70%
3 x 3 @75%
Barbell Conditioning: In pairs
7 min AMRAP
5 Power Snatches TnG
-Rest 2 min-
4 min AMRAP
20 Double Unders