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Great Saturday for 18.1

By February 26, 2018Uncategorized

It was a huge Saturday for everyone. We are very proud of everyone who has signed up for the Open this year. If you came down on Saturday and realised you should be involved, there is still time to sign up. Just visit games.crossfit.com.

It was so awesome to see everyone throw down during 18.1 and hopefully you saw how prepared you actually are for this comp. Ever since you signed up to SPC you have been doing exactly what the open is about…CrossFit. Keep up the good work this week and we will see what comes up on Friday.

We will program the Open Wod on a Monday so you have a second chance to get it done if you miss out.




Monday 26/2/18

MetCon: 18.1

20 min AMRAP


10 DB Hang Cleans 22.5/15 (5 each arm)

14/12 Cal Row