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Meeting all of the Members

By February 8, 2018Uncategorized

It will always be a priority of mine to meet all the members when they sign up but with the growth the gym has been having lately I have had a hard time getting around to everyone. Don’t worry though I’ll get there in the end. Some of you new members I have had the pleasure of talking to on the phone or through text only but we will meet soon enough.

The point I am making is, even if we get an influx of new members the core goal of the gym is still to build a CrossFit community. Plus every member needs to know, when they have questions or concerns around anything to do with the gym or their own training they get in contact with a person who cares about them not just some admin site that takes them to FAQ.

That is the main reason why people choose us in the first place. The coaches are approachable and knowledgable and we make sure everyone in the class gets the right amount of attention no matter their ability.




Thursday 8/2/18

Strength: Every 2 min for 12 min

3 Deadlift

Start @ 70% of 1RM and build from there

MetCon: 4 Rounds for Time

25 Wall Balls 9/6kg

25 SDHP 40/30kg