We have almost finalized what apparel will be available to you all. You will be able to put your orders in before Friday midday.
The Open is sneaking closer lets get a big group signed up and lets have some fun during this Open Season. It was a great time at the gym last year and it is shaping up to be even better this year. Its a fantastic opportunity to show how far you have come since last year and it’s a great way to show support for everyone else who have signed up to give it a go.
Just like last year we will have a big End of Open Party for all members to meet some of the members from the other classes.
Wednesday 7/2/18
MetCon: 20 min EMOM
1st: 5 Single Arm DB Push Jerk (L/R) 32.5/20kg & 7 TTB
2nd: 15 KB Goblet Squats 24/16kg
3rd: 50 Double Unders
4th: 30 Reverse Lunges