We will have 4 classes on Waitangi Day and they are as follow:
Morning: 6am & 7am
Afternoon: 4.30pm & 5.30pm
No other classes will be on that day so plan around it if you would like a training session done.
We hope everyone enjoys their long weekend where ever you will be.
And good luck to a few of our members who are participating in the Masters Games.
Big Dog is competing in indoor Rowing and Fridge is competing with his cricket team.
If you are competing in the Games or other competitions/races let us know so we can give you a mention. We love following all our members competitions and achievements.
Friday 2/2/18
MetCon Chipper:
10 Muscle Ups
10 Power Cleans 60kg
10 TTB
20 Air Squats
30 Double Unders
10 Power Cleans 60kg
10 TTB
20 Air Squats
30 Double Unders
10 TTB
20 Air Squats
30 Double Unders
20 Air Squats
30 Double Unders
-Rest 5 min-