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Saturday Comp Class starts after the Open

By January 20, 2018Uncategorized

We will be starting our Saturday 10am Comp Training again after the Open. If you have competitive CrossFit goals for this year this would be a great session to add to your weekly schedule. We would then recommend taking Thursday or Friday off so you are ready for a longer session that day.

Get hold of us ASAP if you are interested in being part of that session. There are no real fitness level requirements for this class but know you will need to be competing in CrossFit to be part of this class. If you don’t want to compete know that you will not miss out on anything by just doing classes. This class is not a magic pill to be a better CrossFitter it is purely to prepare you for CrossFit competitions.




Saturday 20/1/18


25 Pull ups

10 Muscle Ups

2.4km Run

10 Muscle Ups

25 Pull Ups


Mark Thomas Urban, 40, was killed on Sept. 27, 2013, during a parachute jump while conducting an equipment evaluation at a remote airstrip outside of Prairie, Idaho. Urban, a Senior Smokejumper, began his career as a wild-land firefighter for the U.S. Forest Service in 1999. In 2003, he joined the Bureau of Land Management’s Great Basin Smokejumpers.

Urban embodied positivity, hard work, self improvement and fun.

He is survived by his wife, Rebecca; parents, Thomas and Pamela; sister, Sara Quaglia; nephew, Gavin Quaglia; and many other friends and family.

The workout was originally published as the February 21, 2017 WOD on CrossFit.com.