This is your chance to give us some feedback around what exercises you would like to focus on come 2018. Every month next year will have extra focus on a specific exercise and you get to choose what exercise it will be.
We always welcome feedback form our community so message us with suggestions now.
You have all been working really hard on positioning I.E. Hollow, Arch, Pulling, Pushing, Hanging, Handstand etc. We will keep that up of course but if you have been part of these transitions for the last few months it will now be time for you to work hard on transferring that into full range movements both strict and kipping. This is not only about gymnastics movements but all bodyweight and lifting movements.
Looking forward to seeing what you are all fired up to master.
Wednesday 20/12/17
WOD: 21 min EMOM
1st: 30 Double Unders & 6 C2B Pull ups
2nd: 12 S2OH 50/35kg
3rd: 16 KB Goblet Reverse Lunges 24/16kg