Huge Thank You to everyone who turned up for the BBQ and Beer Pong comp on Saturday. Turned into an epic party and an amazing way to say goodbye to all our student members from out of town who will be leaving us for the summer. We will however see most of them back again next year.
Congratulations to our winning team Nick Beard and Tom Heaton. They played with confidence the whole day and no one saw them coming. There might be a future for you there guys:)
It doesn’t always have to be about working out, sometimes just getting together and having a good time means just as much, especially for our community. We have got a great thing going here team and it shows every time we throw an event and get a big turnout or when a new person comes through doors and is greeted by everyone.
Monday 6/11/17
Strength: Front Squat
max reps @ 85% of 3RM
WOD: 5 Rounds for Time
200m Run
15 KB Swings 24/16kg