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GrabOne Deal Still Going:)

By November 3, 2017Uncategorized


Our 4 weeks introductory GrabOne deal is still going. We have seen a bunch of new awesome people around the gym. Its been great to see so many people from our fantastic Dunedin community come in and giving it a go and finding out what CrossFit is actually about on a day to day basis. We will be looking forward to seeing everyone else over the next 3 months. We will keep everyone updated about what is going on at the gym on these daily blog posts.

If you are new to our community this is the place you need to be if you want to know everything about Southern Peak CrossFit. We post everything on here from the daily Workout Of the Day (WOD), to member profiles to training tips and upcoming events like parties, BBQ, competitions and more.

You can also find us on:

Facebook: Southern Peak CrossFit

Instagram: @southernpeakcrossfit

Snapchat: @spcrossfit

Have a look around all of these outlets to see what is happening on the daily.




Friday 3/11/17

Chipper: For Time

800m Run

70 Goblet Squats 24/16kg

60 Sit Ups

50 Burpees

40 OH Walking Lunges 20/15kg

30 Alt DB Snatches 32.5/22.5kg

20 Ring Muscle Ups