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Skill of November: Positioning

By November 2, 2017Uncategorized

We have entered another month which means a new skill for everyone. We had great success with the bar muscle up/TTB combination and a large percentage of you got your first BMU or TTB which is great to see.

We had a chat about other things we can all improve on and since there are a variety of exercises we still need to go through we have decided to focus on positioning and skill transfer for all gymnastics which for you specifically means a lot of holds. Hollow holds and arch holds in various positions like prone, Supine, hanging and pulling and dipping. From there we will move into more dynamic movement.

We want to make things easier for you by introducing you to a concept where all exercises are based on the same principle of global flexion and extension (Carl Paoli). Specifically for you, it doesn’t matter if you are doing a burpee or a pull up the link between going from a hollow body position to an arch body position are the same. When you understand this it will be a lot easier for you to learn and improve on all movement. We have touched on this before but it wasn’t communicated to you as well as I wanted so the month of November is all about this concept. Looking forward to seeing some lightbulbs go off :))




Thursday 2/11/17

Skill: Bar Muscle Up/ TTB

10 min warm up and progressions before moving into specific elements of the two movements

WOD: 3 Rounds for Time

400m Run

30 Wall Balls 9/6kg

20 SDHP 40/30kg