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Use Open Gym for Individual Improvements

By October 27, 2017Uncategorized

We are on our last week of Bar Muscle Up technique. We have seen plenty of BMU’s from a bunch of you. If you haven’t gotten it on video yet make sure you get it done:)

As we go through all these skills you will find skills you are good at and some that need some work. This is where open gym time comes in handy for you, as you can come in to the gym while there is a coach there and work on the skills you need to improve on. We have seen plenty of people come in at open gym and work on things which is awesome to see. We will be looking at setting up more classes and open gym time this summer so keep checking out the page for more updates.




Friday 27/10/17

Chipper Friday:

60 Deadlift 70/50kg

100 Wall Balls 9/6kg

60 Burpee Over Bar