We are seeing a lot of new faces around the gym because of the GrabOne deal so make sure you introduce yourself to anyone new and make them feel welcome. Show them how cool our community is. It will be a super busy time at the gym. We will make sure it keeps humming over the summer period. We are half way through this training plan so make sure to stay with it until we have our final testing sessions 5 weeks from now.
Reminder about 4/11 BBQ is coming up get your Beer Pong partner signed up now
Thursday 26/10/17
Skill: Bar Muscle Up / TTB
10 min Warm up/Progressions
10 min Clock
Level 1: BMU
Level 2: Kipping Movements
Level 3: Strict TTB
WOD: 7 Rounds for Time
200m Run
10 DB squat Cleans 22.5/15kg
20 Sit ups