I know most Dunedin people don’t like change, and we have had quite a few over the last little while but it is mainly an attempt to make sure all classes are full but not overflowing, as that will take away from the high quality coaching we deliver. We will continue to make improvements as we move on and the next thing is to include an 8am Saturday starting this week. There have been a few asking for an earlier morning class so lets see who we can get involved this saturday at 8am.
Please check out our full time table to make sure you don’t miss out. It is up-to-date.
A couple more reminders about our Xmas BBQ and Beer Pong Tournament on 4th Nov. Find a partner and sign up. It will be a knock out tournament so the more teams the better:) More details to come as we get closer but it would be great if you could make a note of the date as it will also be last time some of our student members will be with us as they are moving on from Dunedin.
Wednesday 11/10/17
Strength: Back Squat
4 x 6 @ 80% of 3RM
Accessory Work: 12 min EMOM
1st: 12 DB Curl & Press (AHAP)
2nd: 12 Empty BB Good Mornings
3rd: 30 sec V-ups