Accessory work is a regular part of our program. It has a bunch of benefits both to you and the coaches.
It allows all of our members to slow things down a bit and get more quality work done and focus on the smaller muscle groups to build a stronger body. Our accessory work has a specific purpose to strengthening the core I.E. Abs, obliques, lower back, hip and shoulder girdles. We program accessory work at least ones a week to help our members with strength and muscle imbalances. We also add some of this work to our warm ups. Adding accessory work gives us a chance to add volume to our program without smashing everyone every day. It helps all the members rebuild and train while still recovering for the harder sessions during the week.
From a coaches point of view it gives us a chance to get really specific with every member about what they need to work on and this session allows us to communicate it efficiently. Its easier to listen to instructions if your heart rate is down a little and this allows the coach to explain more advanced techniques to the individual member. There is a time and a place to either be more general or more specific/advanced and we have found it easier to be more specific/advanced during Lifting EMOMs and Accessory Work sessions. we can pull the athlete out of the session easily and work with them for a couple of minutes to fix an issue without taking away form the rest of the class. That way each individual in class gets their own specific period of attention.
Wednesday 4/10/17
Strength: Bench Press
3 x 4 @ 95@ of 5RM
Accessory Work: 5 Rounds of
20 Plate OH Lunges 20/15kg
15 V-Ups
15 Banded or Empty BB Good Mornings
20 Plate V-Sit Twist 20/15kg