The apparel is going to the printers tomorrow so make sure to get your order in today. You can pay the money into our account or bring the cash to the gym.
Our Olympic Lifting Program starts up again this coming week Tuesday & Thursday. Confirm your attendance with me our Joe before Tuesday and Pay the $120 into our account. There are limited spots so get in quick.
We have been through quite a few skills over the last months and we will soon be hitting a couple of skill tests to see if you have kept up practicing in class time. These sessions are set up to give you more guidance in where you need to put your energy in getting to the next level. this will give your clear progressions you need to do during classes both in a skill sessions but also during a Wods.
Thursday 28/9/17
Strength: C&J Complex
E90sec for 9 min
2 Squats Cleans + 1 Split Jerk
3 min EMOM
3 Clean Pulls (at heaviest C&J)
Accessory Work:
16 min EMOM
1st: 12 Strict Pull ups
2nd: 30 sec Hollow Rocks
3rd: 12 DB Floor Press
4th: 30 sec Arch Hold