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Teams are rolling in fast

By September 7, 2017Uncategorized

So yesterday evening we got loads of teams signed up for the team comp on 16/9 but the good news is we still have a lot of people looking for teammates so if you are keen to join in but still don’t have a team sorted, get hold of me asap or ask around when you are in class. You know the rules so make sure to confirm their age. When you have your team confirmed with me you can get into organizing your costume for the comp. You decide your own theme. Prizes for best dressed:)

It is meant to be a fun but still challenging comp so don’t worry if there is something you can’t do as well. You will get a chance to do more reps of something else. There will be something for everyone and the rules will benefit the whole team to keep you guys and girls moving. If you know you have a couple of holes in your fitness you still have a couple of weeks to improve before the comp, so time to start training hard to be at your best plus it would be beneficial to let your teammates know your strengths and weaknesses so you can make a minor game plan for the comp.




Thursday 7/9/17

Skill: Muscle Ups

10 min Warm up/progressions

10 min EMOM

Group 1: 1-3 Muscle Ups

Group 2: Turn over drills

Group 3:

Odd min: 1-5 Strict Pull ups

Even min: 1-5 Strict Push up/dips

Accessory Work: 5 Rounds of:

8 Single Arm DB Strict Press

10 Double KB Front Rack Lunges

12 banded or empty BB Good Mornings

You can build in weight/resistance over the 5 rounds.