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A Small Goal a Month

By September 6, 2017Uncategorized

Right! It is the start of september and at the start of each month it is always good to have a goal in mind to keep pushing you forward towards your main goal. I have covered specific goal setting before but today I want to give you a simple way of getting to your main goal. We all have something we want to achieve but the hardest part is to get started. If that is you, I suggest that at the start of each month you set yourself a simple but achievable goal and work hard towards it. All these smaller goals throughout the year will eventually help you reach your dream goal whatever that may be. And lets be clear this doesn’t only mean in fitness but also work or life in general.  Without a simple and achievable goal you have no real direction or purpose. You don’t have to spend a long time on this and chances are, you don’t need to. Write a small goal in your calendar now for 30/9 and start taking steps today to achieve it. Whether it is fitness, work or family orientated, where do you want to be at the end of September? Make it simple and start today.




Wednesday 6/9/17

Strength: Bench Press

3 x 5 @ 85% of 5RM

WOD: 3 Rounds for Time

15 Push Press 50/35kg

12 Burpee over Bar

Core Finisher:

3 Rounds of

60 sec Prone Hold

20 V-Ups