We have all gone out too hard in a workout and ended up having to rest for awhile before continuing. It happens sometimes when you are really keen to get a good time or you try to keep up with someone who is fitter than you. We have all blown out on a workout. Here are a few things to help you minimize your rest and get more out of a workout.
1st. Know what you are capable of in a certain workout. That doesn’t mean putting limitations on your fitness, it means don’t go out too hard in a workout and blow out before you can finish. Learn more about your fitness and that will show you what you need to work on to improve your overall fitness. You will also know where to push harder then.
2st. Don’t try to keep up with everyone else, “run your own race” so to speak. If you have gained knowledge about your own fitness you will know how to strategize for every workout.
3rd: Never turn your back on the bar. If you need to rest stand their and stare at the bar until you can pick it back up. You will automatically pick it up quicker and continue your workout. If you walk away you need to get all the way back before you can continue and time will not stop for you. Think of walking away and surrendering to the workout.
4th: If/when you need to rest, be productive in that period of time. Give yourself cues to improve technique for your next reps and stay aggressive. Walk up to the equipment with determination and continue your workout strong. You will be tired you cant really control that but what you can control is how your next reps will look and feel. Tighten your core and perform.
There might be many more things you can come up with to help you through a tough workout but the main things are here. Know what you are capable of, Focus on your own workout, Never walk away from the bar & Be productive in your rest period.
Get after it team. These points will help you both in and outside the gym.
Wednesday 30/8/17
WOD: 20 min EMOM
Odd: 15 SDHP 40/30kg
Even: 15 HSPU
Accessory Work: 3 Rounds of
12 KB Goblet Step ups
12 Hollow Rocks
12 Arch Rocks