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It has been great to see all the strength improvements and PRs on the whiteboards this week. Everyone put forward a fantastic effort and you all have something to show for it. Remember what you got as we will be using those numbers throughout the next training cycle.

The Uni holiday is only one week so you won’t miss out on much. Just try and get a session or two in where you live, I am sure they have a CrossFit gym you can use.

We will be continuing our Chipper Fridays and Hero Wod Saturdays for the next program. They have been very popular and they complement the program really well.

We still have a Free Session offer for everyone new so make sure to bring a friend in when you can.




Friday 25/8/17

WOD: For Time

5 Rounds of

7 deadlift 100/70kg

14 Push ups

Straight into

5 Rounds of

15 Sit ups

25 Air Squats

50 Double Unders