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Testing Week is here again

Wow what a weekend. Great competition, fun party and a brilliant All Blacks win.

I hope you all enjoyed your Saturday at the gym. Well done to all the competitors. There were some fantastic achievements from everyone. Very impressive stuff. Some of you in your very first In house comp and I really hope you liked it so much that you are keen to do more of them. It was awesome to see everyone happy to help with judging between their own heats, that is the way a community based In house comp should run. Special thanks to Amanda and Marcus for helping out on the day with judging and setting the equipment up for every event.

This is testing week. 3RM Back Squat on Tuesday and 5RM Bench Press on Wednesday. Make sure you turn up those two days so we can get some updated strength numbers for everyone. We will be using more percentage work as I believe it is the best way to monitor volume and loading. I will also post a sheet that has perceived 1RMs. This will help you make better decisions in connection to choosing weights in workouts. Both for warm ups and working sets.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the gym this week to lift some heavy weights and see all your strength improvements.




Monday 21/8/17

WOD: Each for Time


KB Swings 24/16kg


-3 min Rest-


DB Thrusters 22.5/15kg


-3 min Rest-


KB swings 24/16kg
