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Meet Tahlia Strachan (TJ)

Auckland girl TJ is on her second year of study down here in Dunedin, doing a bachelor of physical education exercise and sports science. TJ is really into her sports mainly rugby and netball. This year she is playing netball for PhysEd. TJ have had great success in sports mainly rugby. TJ has represented both Auckland and Otago in touch rugby and she was fortunate enough to represent NZ in 2013. She was picked for the NZ U-21 Women’s tag football team in 2015.

There is no doubt TJ is fit and strong, she picks up new exercises so easy which is awesome and she is not afraid to work hard during the daily wods. It makes her super easy to coach as well because you can really see she loves to be here training and learning new skills. Having a positive training environment is important for everyone and TJ definitely brings heaps of positivity to this place. Great to see you are enjoying your training.




Monday 14/8/17

Strength: Every 2 min for 12 min

2 Hang Squat Cleans – 1 Split Jerk

Build in Weight

WOD: For Time


DB Thrusters 20/15kg


Strict Pull ups