It has been great seeing a lot of new people at the gym lately. Always good to meet new people eager to get fit and learn more about what CrossFit really is. Also really happy to see old members finding their way back in the gym after winter sports.
If you want an outlet for all those competitive urges after your sports season has finished this is the place to be. The awesome thing about CrossFit is, it allows for everyone to get out of a session what they want. Like learning new skills or if you have those skills have a little fun competition between you and your mates. The white board scores also allow you to see what your mate did in an earlier class and you can try to beat their score and if you do, they will try to go harder the next time. That way, you are actually helping each other get fitter. If you have friends or family who you reckon would like this type of fun competition, bring them in for a session and let them see for themselves, how inspiring and motivating this type of fitness is.
Thursday 10/8/17
Strength: Bench Press
3 x 5 @ 90%
WOD: For Time
800m Run
KB Swings 24/16kg
KB Goblet Reverse Lunges
400m Run