It is game time today at 10am. Doors will open around 9am to make sure you all get a good chance to warm up. We will have a briefing at 10am to make sure everyone know how the day will run. Then we will get into standards for the first wod and go from there. The Wods will be written on the whiteboard to prepare you all for what’s to come. I hope this will make things run smoother. There will be 4 events all scored on what placing you get in each event. First place gives you 1 point, Second place gives you 2 points and so on.
There will be no other classes this weekend as there will be a party on Saturday evening 7.30pm start, which we hope you will all join. It will be a great time before I head home for a few weeks. Just bring whatever drinks and snacks you want and there will be other snacks provided as well.
A few more reminders for when I am away. The time table has been updated you can find the classes that are on from Monday on our website. Remember we have only got 6am, 12.10pm & 5.30pm Monday – Friday. Weekend classes will be back on from next weekend.
Right, lets get ready to compete:)