CrossFit is about a lot of things: Community, hard work, be prepared for anything etc but when it comes down to it the most important thing is Health. Staying healthy through life and being able to take care of yourself in any situation you are presented with in life.
Here is where CrossFit will help you. First you need to find out where you fit in on the Sickness-Wellness-Fitness Continuum.
An example of this is. Ask yourself one question. If you got sick or injured today would you be able to take care of yourself. I.E. have the upper body strength to use crutches, have the ability to get of the ground, out of bed have the lower body strength to walk any distance, core strength to keep doing work around the house. Pretty much not be bedridden. Or even god forbid being able to train while still having a minor injury I.E. do upper body specific stuff if you have a minor lower limb injury. It is not unheard of you know.
The main reason for doing CrossFit would be to be able to help yourself in any situation, long or short period of time. Our program reflects this by making all our members perform a wide variety of exercises and movements to help this. If we neglect anything we would do a disservice to anyone who walk through our doors.
Another example is: If you don’t start CrossFit will you eventually suffer from a chronic disease? Coronary heart disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes etc. If that is the case you need crossFit to bring you out of a road to sickness and back to wellness or even fitness in the future.
This is a very basic but hopefully helpful explanation of why the CrossFit program is programmed the way it is. We need to make sure you stay on the road between wellness and fitness and the best way of doing this is doing compound lift, body weight exercises, carries, biking, running, rowing and use a variety of odd objects.
Saturday 13/5/17
WOD: Partner Wod
3 Rounds for Time
100 Double Unders each
50 Wall Balls 9/6kg
30 Burpees
15 power Cleans 60/40kg