I hope everyone is enjoying the programming with all the front squats. It has been some long sets but it will benefit you greatly when it comes to the clean & Jerk and Wods with lifting as well. With these big sets comes a responsibility from us to warm you up completely before doing these sets but I would also urge you to keep mobilizing when you are not at the gym.
I went through a big spiel in yesterdays classes about the importance of ankle mobility and flexibility of the achilles tendon and calf muscles. If you are able to move your knees forward you are able to sit more upright in the squat which will help holding the weight up especially in the Front and Overhead Squats. So before you blame tight shoulders on a less than perfect Front or Overhead squats make sure you are not bent over looking into the ground at the bottom of your squat. After having identified this you can move on to other parts of the body to keep improving your squat position like hips, thoracic back then chest and shoulders and so on. And No… I did not say “Just have flexible calves and you can squat right”. I said, have a structured plan and you will get a better squat by starting at the bottom (base) and work your way up until your whole body is mobile and able to hold light and heavy weight in the right positions. We are giving you plenty of stretches during classes and we want you to use them outside class as well if you feel you need a more upright squat.
We still have plenty of weeks of front squatting left so make sure you keep working on your muscles and tendons to improve your squat position. Get Upright.
Friday 12/5/17
Skill: 10 min EMOM
Odd: 5-10 Strict HSPU or Push Ups (on feet w/ elevated hands)
Even: 10-30 Ring L-Sit Hold
WOD: 50-40-30-20-10
Meter Double KB Front Rack Walk 24/16kg
Step ups