We have just reached 90 members which is absolutely amazing. So cool to see this place grow bigger and better. I am sure you are not all coming in to talk to me, so a huge thank you to our community for being so cool that so many people want to come in and train here. You make the place what it is and I enjoy turning up every day and join in on the banter. You are obviously pretty awesome humans:) Keep doing what you are doing and I am sure we can take this place pretty far.
Reminder: We are having a tasting evening with Arbonne products tonight with Lizz Carrington after the 5.30pm class free to all members so come in and and try them out. All completely natural, free of gluten, diary and animal products. It is a way of including healthier supplements to your diet if you lead a busy life style or finding it hard to eat solid food right after training. There will be various products and flavours for you to try out and of course a chance to ask Lizz some questions about the products. We will also have some books and brochures available for you to read about what exactly is in the products.
Tuesday 9/5/17
WOD: 4 Rounds for Time
400m Run
40 reverse Lunges
30 Burpees
20 Alt. DB Snatches 22.5/15kg
10 TTB