caption: That is a few summers ago, but still remember one of the first ever boot camps I ran back when I was a fresh faced PT starting out at world fitness.
There were a few late apparel orders for T-Shirts and Hoodies but all is sorted now so shouldn’t take too long. It will be right in time for the cold weather to arrive.
Reminding everyone that we have our Arbonne tasting evening tomorrow (Tuesday) for the 5.30pm class onwards. You don’t have to participate in the class to come in and try the various products of course, but it is for members only. Come in and hang out for a bit it will be low key but very informative and heaps of fun. The Tuesday Wod will of course cater to a big group of people because of the evening event.
For everyone who are doing Masters League well done on completing the first wod it was a tough one. They have had some issues with their website so if you are thinking of redoing it, make sure you still give yourself plenty of time to register your score. I wouldn’t recommend you do too much leader-boarding on this one.
Monday 8/5/17
Strength: Front Squats
3 x 8 @ 75-80%
WOD: For Time
KB Swings 24/16kg
Air Squats
Sit Ups
The goal is to go unbroken. Bring the Intensity.