Before MaryAnn turned up early this year she had been doing CrossFit in Gore and it showed because she was moving very well and she was obviously fit. She has been a regular for our lunchtime classes and rarely misses a class. It is awesome to have a member like MaryAnn that turns up often and sees the improvements from it. Everyone has things they can improve on but MaryAnns baseline fitness and strength is very good which means she picks up new lifts and skills very well. She is always prepared to take advice which makes her extremely easy to coach. That willingness to learn and improve will give her some very good results in the future. It means we can start working towards the more complex lifts and skills which is very important as we get closer to the comp.
MaryAnn works out with a lot of intensity which is going to help the team a lot, especially if the team needs a little energy boost on the second day. So far MaryAnn has shown all-round capabilities and it will only get better as we get closer to the comp.
We are very happy to have you as part of the gym and the team going up north to represent the Southern Peak colours:)
Tuesday 2/5/17
WOD #1: Every 4 min for 16 min
400m Run
Stay consistent with the lap times.
WOD #2: 4 Rounds of
12 DB Step Ups (AHAP)
12 Strict TTB
12 Box Jumps 24/20′
12 DB Strict Press (AHAP)