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Open Team Captain: Riley Cunningham

You will find Riley at Otago Weightlifting just as often as you’ll see him do CrossFit. He has been lifting for a number of years and for that reason he has one of the best lifting techniques in the gym. He has always been naturally fit so it was just a matter of doing regular classes to keep and improve over the last few months while he has been a member. The only couple of holes in his fitness were gymnastic related. He picks up things very well so all we had to do was give him a couple of cues on exercises like toes to bar  and bar muscle ups and he was under way.

He is a well-rounded athlete and that combined with his relaxed nature made him a perfect fit for Team Captain. He has done plenty of comps in both weightlifting and CrossFit so he will be able to keep a cool head under pressure and help the team out.

When we were demoing the offices in the building to make room for the gym Riley wasn’t even a member and he still made time to come in and help us which was an amazing thing to do. I think Harlem enjoyed it as that meant there was another professional around:)

We are very lucky to have a person like that in the team who goes that extra mile to help friends out, any team will benefit from a person like that. Really looking forward to seeing Riley in action at a big comp, he is going to be leading a great bunch of athletes with plenty of talent in it.




Friday 28/4/17

Strength: Every 2 min for 10 min

2 Cleans – 1 Jerk

Build in weight

WOD: For Time

10 Squat Cleans 80/60kg

200m Run

8 Squat Cleans

200m Run

6 Squat Cleans

200m Run

4 Squat Cleans

200m Run

2 Squat Cleans

Accessory Work: 3 Rounds of:

20 Hollow Rocks/Holds

30 sec Hanging L-Sit

30 Sec Handstand Hold