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Testing week is rolling on and Thursday we are looking at 1RM clean & Jerk which means today is just about moving. It is an EMOM which means you can choose your own tempo to a certain extent and get through it with not really worries and be ready for tomorrow. If you can’t make the session tomorrow you can obviously just go really hard today and not think about getting ready for testing tomorrow. I know a lot of you students are preparing for a little holiday but make sure to keep up with training when you are home. Let your local CrossFit gym know you are coming and book in a few sessions to keep up with your fitness. Also, try to get your 1RM C&J done if possible.

Two weeks away can hurt your fitness if you don’t keep up with it so make sure you find a CrossFit gym and get a bit of work done. Most of you will have a gym you are connected with when you are at home so utilize it as much as possible. If you are going away and don’t have a gym near by, use your imagination to get some body weight circuits done. Mornings will be best as you are less likely to take time out of your afternoon to train, so get up early and get it done.

We will be closed over easter which will be a great time to recharge the batteries for a couple of days and then get straight back into the new training cycle.

Time Table Over Easter:

Good Friday 14/4 – Closed

Saturday 15/4 – Normal 9am Class

Easter Sunday 16/4 – Closed

Easter Monday 17/4 – Closed 




Wednesday 12/4/17

WOD: 21 min EMOM

1st: 30 Double Unders  –  8 KB Swings 24/16kg

2nd: 4 Deadlift 100/70kg  –  10 Push Ups

3rd: 14 KB Goblet Reverse Lunges