I hope all of you have moved on from the stress of competing in the Open:) It is a huge effort getting through the Open well done to everyone who completed the 5 weeks you should be proud of that. Being a less than 8 months old gym we did extremely well and it was great watching you all really get into it. You have had a week to reflect on what areas you need to work on so make sure as this next training cycle starts you are committed to improving those areas.
As we look to the next training cycle there will be some base building through strength and gymnastics and longer aerobic based wods. This will help you especially if you are thinking of giving some of the local New Zealand competitions a go. There are plenty to choose from and it will give you a great direction in your training as well. It is hard to commit to long term training without a specific goal in mind.
There are some Online comps coming up in the next couple of months so mke sure you are signed up to them and we will do them together on a Saturday morning just like we did with the Open. I will keep everyone informed about it but it is up to you to check websites and make sure you register before any deadlines. You can always ask us about it of course, the coaches will be happy to help you.
Friday 31/3/17
WOD: For Time
800m Run
3 Rounds of:
12 Box over Jump 24/20
6 Muscle Ups
9 Squat Cleans 70/50kg
800m Run