Wanaka from Mt Iron from my trip away during Otago Anniversary Weekend.
So with the Open is done and with a transition week starting it will be a good time to recover both physically and mentally as well, especially if you have committed to compete more during the year. There are a lot of big comps coming up very soon. Most of them consist of an online qualifier similar to the CF Open. If you would like to participate in any other comps it is important you try and stay up to date using Facebook as most crossFit Boxes uses Facebook to promote their comps.
Here are 3 mayor comps which I think you might be interested in, but if you pay attention to the sign up dates you need to make a commitment very soon.
New Zealand Nationals (Individual Comp) www.newzealandnationals.co.nz
Online qualifier: Starts 5-30th of June. Finals are on 22nd-23rd of July in Hamilton
New Zealand Nationals (Team Comp) www.newzealandnationals.co.nz
No Qualifier just finals weekend 21st-22nd of October in Tauranga
BoxFit Camps (Individual Comp) www.boxfitchamps.co.nz
Online Comp for all age groups. from teens to 60+ masters. Starts 15th of June
Masters League (Individual Comp)
Online Comp for 35+ athletes: Starts 5th of may – 26 of May
All comps covered in this write up has specific details which you will need to read before committing to any of these comps. What I have covered are just a baseline Overview of what is going on. Always keep yourself as updated as possible. If you want to compete but are not sure how to go about it, get hold of me ASAP and I will help you get signed up right and show you where to find more info. I dont know about you but I am looking forward to his season. There are plenty of comps to sink your teeth into so make sure you pick the right one for you and commit to it fully.
Good luck with the season ahead:)
Tuesday 28/3/17
Skill Work: Every 2 min for 8 min
4 Strict Pull ups – 5 Kipping Pull ups – 6 Butterfly Pull ups
WOD: For Time
30 DB Burpee over 20′ Box 22.5/15kg
20 Power Clean & Jerk 60/40kg