It was an amazing turnout on Saturday night, thank you to everyone who came out to party with us. I hope you all had a great time. It is an absolute pleasure to have such an awesome community that we can have parties at the gym without any issues. It means a lot to us and especially the students which means they save a bit of money when they can bring their own drinks and food. I am sure they appreciated it very much. We will definitely be looking to having more functions at the gym during the year.
We are into another transition week before we start our testing period so make sure you recharge the batteries before we really get into it. I am hoping we can put up some new well deserved PRs from last times tests: 1RM Back Squat, 1RM Snatch, 1RM Clean and Jerk, Diane and Fran.
Next Training Cycle has been planned out and a part from the strength exercises, it will have some long EMOMs and HERO Wods as a big part of the program. That will give you a little heads up:)
Monday 27/3/17
WOD: Open Wod 17.5
10 Rounds for Time
9 Thrusters 43/30kg
35 Double Unders