We are super happy with the way everyone have been progressing over the last few months heaps of PRs on the weights and in the gymnastics as well. Now it will soon be time to find out if the conditioning will be at PR level as well when jackie, Diane and Fran come to visit:) Next month we are staring a new segment which is “Skill of the Month”. On the first of every month we will introduce a new skill which every member in the gym will be working on during or outside class time. We will have 3 specific elements. Days where we practice the skill, days where we perform the skill during wods and days where it is up to you to get some work done on the skill in your own time, maybe before class starts.
I have a list of skills I feel the gym will benefit most from learning and/or improve on. If one month is a skill you are particularly good at, it still wont hurt to do some work on it I am sure we can find a variation which will challenge you and make you even better. The biggest part of this is that when the month turns up with a skill you cant do, what will you do? Stay away from the gym as much as possible or be in here every day trying to get rid of those demons?
As we go through the next few months you will start to see a connection between skills and realize there is a pattern to learning these and by bettering one skill you are helping yourself to get better in other skills. It will be a long progress but it will be well worth it in the end.
From a fitness point of view this means the Wod will have a specific goal from now on and the coach will tell you what that goal is. It could be “I want you to try as many RX reps as possible in this wod and take your time to get it right” or it could be ” I want you to scale the skill today so you can get all the reps done fast and get your heart rate up”. Both of these are valid goals depending on the Wod, so don’t be discouraged if the coach tells you to scale something because you need to take the goal into consideration and know what level you are currently at. This should motivate you to improve on a certain skill. Remember we are here to make you stronger, fitter and more skillful and we do know what is best for you when it comes to CrossFit. with love
Friday 24/3/17
7 min EMOM
8 DB Thrusters 22.5/15kg
3 min Rest
7 min AMRAP
150 m Run
8 DB Squat Cleans 22.5/15kg
3 min Rest
7 min EMOM
8 DB Front Squats 22.5/15kg