7am Classes are on from Monday – Thursday every week and they would like some more friends to join them:) So, if you are struggling to come in for the 6am, 12.10pm or 5.30pm class these guys would like to see you at 7am.
Its a fun-loving group of down to earth people who work hard and enjoy some morning banter. Its mainly students so if you want to start your day in a good mood this would be a great way to do just that:)
I hope this helps team and that you get more people joining you, keep doing what you are doing.
Also, we have decided that the party on the 25/3 will be held at the gym and start at 7.30pm, would be great to see all of our members here for a great evening with a few drinks and heaps of fun. I am trying to source a BBQ or two so you are able to bring some food to cook up too, in case the weather is willing to help out. make sure to save the date.
Wednesday 15/3/17
WOD: 3 Rounds each for Max Reps
1 min Box Jumps 24/20′
1 min SDHP 40/30kg
1 min Push Press
1 min KB Goblet Squats 24/16kg
1 min V-Ups
-1 min Rest-
Accessory Work: 3 Rounds of
Max Time L-Sit Hold