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Ella has been with us from day one. I have had the pleasure of knowing and training Ella for a few years now. She always has a smile on her face, even when she drags herself out of bed and turns up to the 7am class.

Originally from Auckland, Ella came down to study and experience the classic scarfie lifestyle. Ella loves having a good time with her friends down here but she also enjoys going home to the north island beaches for some sun and paddle boarding. She tries to keep a good balance between studying and enjoying some downtime too. The hour a day when she comes to CrossFit gives her that little break she needs to clear her head. She has made a whole heap of friends in Dunedin especially from the gym and she really likes the social aspect of the gym, everyone enjoys each others company and have a good time during class.

Ella has had a few issues with some injuries in the past but we have been working hard to clear them up and making sure she scale accordingly. This has seen her make tremendous gains over the last year. She isn’t afraid of the barbell either which is just awesome. She goes RX whenever she is able to and she has made huge strides.

You can always count on Ella to join in when we have any type of event on at the gym. She is outgoing and always happy to get to know the other members from the other classes and that is so important for our community.

So happy you decided to come with us to Southern Peak and I hope you are still enjoying it as much now as day one. Keep smiling and keep fit




Tuesday 13/6/17

WOD: 24 min EMOM

1st: 5 Burpee box Jump 24/20′ – 5 Pull Ups

2nd: 4 Burpee Box Jump – 30 Double Unders

3rd: 12 Goblet Lunges 24/16kg

Scale as needed