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Xumba, our new dance class with barbells

We are introducing a new direction for the gym. Our new classes will be a dancing inspired class using light barbells. You can bring your favorite music in and we will make a playlist for our first class. We are super excited to bringing this new form of fitness to our members. You will be able to dance to a beat from now on and get moderately strong at the same time. This will be a winning combination especially on the dance floor during the weekends. Nothing will get you moderately stronger and fitter than a medium intensity dance routine with a barbell on your back. Hope you are all ready to do some Xumba


Monday 010419

Routine #1

warm up: Saturday Night Fever @ 20/15kg

Workout: Magic Mike Routine @ 30/20kg

Cool down: Dirty Dancing (No weight)

Actual WOD:

Strength: Back Squat

5 x 5 @ 70-75% (moderately heavy)

MetCon: 12 min AMRAP

Ascending Ladder: 5-10-15 etc.

Wall Balls 9/6kg

Power Cleans 50/35kg