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The Open is upon us!!!

The CrossFit Games Open starts Oct 10th. As you can see the Open hasn’t changed its still a great test of fitness. More importantly, it will give us a chance to hang out together, throw down and have some fun afterwards. We will be running the Open workout Friday Evenings from 5.30pm 11/10 – 18/10 – 25/10 – 1/11 – 8/11. We will run all the Open workouts in heats on the day so turn up early and put your name down. We are really keen on getting everyone involved this year. The Open has both scaled and RX levels so everyone will be able to get a good workout in. Please read all about the Open on games.crossfit.com

When you sign up add our gym as your affiliate and all your scores will help our team out. Looking forward to seeing a bunch of names on the scoresheet and down at the gym on a Friday evening to work out and support our crew.


Thursday 031019

Strength: Paused Back Squat

3 x 5 w/3 sec pause at the bottom

MetCon: 3 RFT


40 Double Unders

60 Air Squats